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Enjoy Our Contestants’ work - Enjoy Writing in the Year of the Tiger - Smart Education’s Writers of the Future Contest 2022

投票活動經已啟動 投選我最喜愛的入圍作品

Enjoy Writing in the Year of the Tiger
Smart Education’s Writers of the Future Contest 2022
Enjoy Our Contestants’ work


入圍同學已遞交了他們的作品,現作公開展出欣賞,投票期為 7月22日 至 8月2日 中午12時,每人每日可投選各組別一次。各組別得票數最高之同學,可奪得「大眾喜作獎」,而獲得證書、獎座。敬請大家踴躍投票!


Thank you again for your support in our Enjoy Writing in the Year of the Tiger Smart Education’s Writers of the Future Contest 2022. We have just uploaded the entry from the short-listed students onto our website, and it's time for you to enjoy! We would also want to thank our participating students for submitting their entries, well done! You may now watch the video and vote for your favourite entry from July 22 to August 2, 2022 (12:00 noon)! Each person can cast one vote per day for each group. The student from each group with the most number of votes will win the "Popularity Award".

投票網址 Voting website: https://www.mysmartabc.com/Tiger2022/