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Practice Test book Audio模擬試題練習本-聆聽語音檔

初中及小學托福模擬試題練習本的聆聽語音檔已上載到考試網頁的下載專區內, 考生可以用電腦下載該檔案並解壓收聽。

The audio files of the TOEFL Junior and TOEFL Primary Practice Test books have been uploaded to the download zone of each official website. Using computers, test takers of the TOEFL Junior Test and TOEFL Primary Test can download the zipped files from the links below and unzip the files to extract the audio for listening practice.

TOEFL Junior Practice Test book Audio模擬試題練習本-聆聽語音檔

TOEFL Primary Practice Test book Audio模擬試題練習本-聆聽語音檔

For enquiries, please contact us at +852 2851 3822, +853 6261 6000 or email info@mysmartedu.com.

如有查詢,請致電 +852 2851 3822﹙香港﹚、+853 6261 6000﹙澳門﹚或電郵至info@mysmartedu.com