+852 2851 3822      info@mysmartedu.com
GBA Study and Career Planning Consultating Services


Studying in the Greater Bay Area has become a growing trend for Hong Kong students. The Greater Bay Area encompasses nine cities in Guangdong province, as well as Hong Kong and Macau, and offers a wealth of educational opportunities for students. With the rapid development of the region's economy and infrastructure, there are now more universities and colleges in the Greater Bay Area than ever before, providing a wide range of academic programs and research opportunities. Additionally, studying in the Greater Bay Area can provide students with valuable cross-cultural experiences and networking opportunities, as well as access to a growing job market. As such, many Hong Kong students are now exploring the option of studying in the Greater Bay Area, and seeking guidance and support to navigate the college application process.

Smart Education provides consultation services in the Greater Bay Area for Hong Kong students. Our team of experienced counselors and consultants are dedicated to helping students achieve their academic and career goals by providing personalized guidance and support throughout the college application process.


Smart Education Consultation Services

We understand that the college application process can be overwhelming and stressful for students and their families. Our goal is to alleviate that stress and help students navigate the process with confidence and ease. We work closely with each student to identify their strengths, interests, and goals, and develop a customized plan to help them achieve success.

Our comprehensive college counseling services include:

College Search and Selection

We help students identify colleges and universities that match their academic, social, and career goals. We provide personalized guidance on factors such as college size, location, majors, and extracurricular activities, as well as information on admission requirements, financial aid, and scholarships.


Application Strategy and Planning

We help students develop a strategic plan for their college applications, including determining which colleges to apply to, creating a timeline for application deadlines, and developing a strong application strategy.


Interview Preparation

We offer interview preparation and practice sessions to help students feel confident and prepared for their college interviews. We provide feedback and guidance on how to effectively communicate their interests, goals, and experiences to admissions officers.



Contact us today to learn more about our college counseling services and how we can help you achieve your goals.

Telephone: +852 2851 3822 (Hong Kong)

                     +853 6261 6000 (Macau)

                     +86 147 1602 6286 (Mainland China)

Email:          info@MySmartEDU.com

Fax:             +852 2851 8422 (Hong Kong)